The Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire

Sandbach Freemasons Casino Night raises £780 for Charity

Sandbach Masonic Hall recently held a fun casino night with Lodge members, family and friends all invited. The event was hosted by an “international” team of Freemasons, all members of lodges which meet in Sandbach – Rob Turnbull representing England, Thomas Eves from South African and Meurig Williams from Wales.

Rob Turnbull, who has also organised Open Days at the Hall said “it was great to see so many people at the event having fun and supporting our charitable work. There was a lot of interest in the ‘Hall’ by Non Masons so an impromptu tour of the building was held as part of the night. The money raised, £780.50 was donated to the Cheshire Freemasons Charity which supports good causes across Cheshire. As well as being a great social event, all monies raised during the day are combined with other charitable money raised or donated by Cheshire Freemasons. The little amounts soon add up and in the past 12 months, approx. £1Million was given to good causes by Cheshire Freemasons. This figure increases to approx. £48 Million in terms of charitable giving by Freemasons when you look across England as a whole.”

From left, Rob Turnbull, Trevor Smart and Martin Gouldsbrough with wives, partners, family and friends

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