The Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire
Contact Us
United Grand Lodge of England operate a Grand Lodge Website which can be accessed via the link below :
Can we help you?
The Cheshire Provincial Almoners Office helps Freemasons, their families and dependants who have a financial, healthcare or family need to access a range of services available to them.
Finding out whether you can obtain help from Freemasonry is as easy as 1-2-3!
- Do you have a Masonic connection? YES
- Do you have a need we can help with? YES
- Contact us to discuss how we can help:
By phone:- 0161 980 6090
By post:- Ashcroft House, 36 Clay Lane, Timperley, Altrincham, Cheshire. WA15 7AB
By email:-
All enquiries are treated in the strictest confidence and dealt with confidentially.
If you think you or someone you know may be able to benefit from what we offer – get in touch. We’re delighted to help if we can – and you have nothing to lose by contacting us.
Step 1 – Who is eligible?
The Cheshire Freemasons Almoners Office offers guidance on the help available to anyone who has both:
A: Masonic connection
This includes
- All current and former Freemasons under the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire
- Dependants of a Freemason, former Freemason or deceased Freemason; wives, widows, children and partners
- In some cases, non-dependant relatives who are clearly linked to a Freemason or a deceased Freemason; sisters, mothers
B: a real need
- This includes financial, healthcare or family related support which the person concerned cannot easily meet from their own income or savings. It also covers certain other specific needs, for example moving into a care home.
Step 2 – What help do we offer?
- Household expenses and goods
- Help to arrange home repairs and improvements
- Funeral costs
- Education support
- Emergency costs, arising from illness, death or redundancy.
- Operations
- Dental treatment
- Mobility equipment and home adaptions
- Hospital treatment
- Medication costs
- Care advice
- Sheltered accommodation
- Nursing, residential and dementia care
- Children’s maintenance and education costs
- Care homes and sheltered accommodation
- Respite care
- Care advice
- Support for children with talent in music, sport or the performing arts
- Student accommodation
- Counselling, therapy and advice for children
- Holidays for older people
Contact us
Call us on 0161 980 6090
By post: –Ashcroft House, 36 Clay Lane, Timperley, Altrincham, Cheshire. WA15 7AB
Freephone: 0800 035 60 90
Write: Masonic Charitable Foundation, 60 Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5AZ
Our enquiries team can offer confidential guidance on the financial, health, care and family help available and advise you about the processand criteria for making an aplication.
For grant applications to Cheshire Freemasons’ Charity, contact
Harry Wright (Provincial Grand Charity Steward)
By phone:- 0161 980 6090
By post:- Ashcroft House, 36 Clay Lane, Timperley, Altrincham, Cheshire. WA15 7AB
Applications can also be made to the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF)
Stephen Teare
Provincial Grand Secretary
Ashcroft House,
36 Clay Lane,
WA15 7AB
Office: 0161 980 6090
Mobile: 07508 702 102
Although UGLE is an organisation for men, there are two organisations in England for women Freemasons and we enjoy cordial relations with both; further information can be found here, at the UGLE website.
For all press enquiries,
Write to:
Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire, Ashcroft House, 36 Clay Lane, Timperley, Altringham, Cheshire WA15 7AB
Or visit
You can stay connected on Social Media
Facebook Provinceofcheshirefreemasons
Twitter @Cheshire PGL
Instagram CheshirePGL
Or contact the Provincial Communications Officer
Mobile: 07764 286942
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Cheshire
Ashcroft House, 36 Clay Lane, Timperley, Altrincham, Cheshire WA15 7AB
Tel : 0161 980 6090 | Email :