In 2018, Chris and Lindsey Pagett welcomed Elsie into their lives.
Elsie was a little early at 39 weeks, but after an active time in mums tum was born with long fluffy black hair, and super speedy, so much so that it very nearly took mum and dad by surprise.
Elsie sadly only survived for 17 hours but in that time Mum and Dad made some memories to ensure Elsie was never forgotten
Recognising that many pregnancies had problems motivated Chris and Lindsey to form Elsie’s Moon, a charity entirely focussed on supporting families, Mums, Dads and siblings going through similar heartbreak
The Charity provides comfort boxes for different stages of pregnancy loss, a few extra comforts, information and equipment for families in similar situations
Recently, Senior Cheshire Freemasons Stephen Christian, Richard Dobbing and Andy Tong were delighted to present a cheque for £2000 to Lindsey, on behalf of the Cheshire Freemasons Charity and the Freemasons of Area 2, to help Elsies Moon continue to produce these valuable Comfort boxes and to support families in the area when pregnancy doesn’t follow the plan.