#15 – Tam O’Shanter historic cottage and free urban farm
The Tam O’Shanter historic cottage and free urban farm at Bidston Hill has received ongoing support over recent years from Cheshire Freemasons, both in terms of financial support and people when needed for events and stewarding. The Farm is rich in history dating back originally over 300 years, almost the same as our very own UGLE. In 1837 the tenant Richard Lea, a Stonemason, carved a slab depicting the story of Tam O’Shanter and embedded it into the gable wall of the cottage. The cottage was owned and opened for educational school visits in 1977 and in 1986 the farmland and outbuildings were secured in order to create an Urban Farm. In recent months Cheshire Freemasons have made a further grant in order to refurbish ‘The Barn’.
Tam O’Shanter Urban Farm, a regular recipient of help and support from Cheshire Masons receives a substantial grant in order to refurbish ‘The Barn’ in order for it to be used for childrens education and event purposes